Governance Structure

The Governance structure of the Consortium is comprised of the following bodies:

The Steering Group as the highest decision-making body of the Consortium consists of representatives from all partner organisations. Each partner delegates one representative (Steering Group Member).

The Steering Group will have the following tasks:

  • Provide oversight: Ensure implementation of the Consortium agreement
  • Improve efficiencies and performance, especially between the work packages. Conference calls will be planned regularly to ensure there are enough opportunities for communications between the partners that go beyond information sharing only.
  • Final decision making power in case substantial adjustments are needed in the project design, based on the relevant clauses in the Consortium Agreement. Amendments to project plans will be done in agreement with the European Commission, as outlined in the Grant Agreement.

The Steering Group will meet at least once every 9 months, at the end of each project phase.

The Executive Board as the supervisory body for the execution of the WOSCAP project shall report to and be accountable to the Steering Group. It is composed of the Work Package leaders: GPPAC, UU, LSE and IRENE.

The Executive Board will meet at least quarterly. The Project Coordinator shall chair all meetings of the Executive Board. It shall seek a consensus among the partners. The tasks of the Executive Board are presented in the Figure.

The Project Coordinator (GPPAC) is the legal entity acting as intermediary between the partners and the Funding Authority, which safeguards the delivery of the agreed outcomes and meeting the purposes of the WOSCAP project.

The Scientific Coordinator (UU) oversees the scientific coordination of the project.