Policy Recommendations from a Whole-of-Society Perspective
This Policy Recommendations report presents a selected set of key recommendations for the EU, based on the in-depth research on the one hand, and policy roundtable discussions on the other, as implemented by the project.
This recommendations report presents several key points of this research. It also takes into account the recommendations discussed during round-tables that took place in the cities of case study countries as Bamako, Tbilisi, Sana'a, Kyiv and in cities of EU member state countries as Berlin, Paris, The Hague, Madrid and London. The project has brought together academic researchers and policy-makers, civilian and military practitioners, and beneficiaries of EU interventions.
Read the full report here.
Improving EU Peacebuilding & Conflict Prevention
Why is Local Ownership to Peacebuilding Important?
Mary Martin on the Whole-of-Society Approach