
WOSCAP Methodology Workshop in Barcelona, 8-10 February 2016

On 8-10 February, the researchers from l'Université des Sciences Juridiques et Politiques de Bamako and from the Political Development Forum are meeting in Barcelona to present the research topics focused on the nature of the EU involvement in two case study countries: Mali and Yemen.

Through the training on methodology, designed and conducted by the London School of Economics and Political Science and the University of Utrecht, the participants will outline the research plans to lead the case study fieldwork on the EU's current and potential civilian capabilities in Mali and Yemen. GPPAC, as a Project Coordinator, also takes part in the meeting.

The Methodology Workshop of the WOSCAP project is hosted by Escola de Cultura de Pau. Prior to this Workshop, two Methodology Workshops were successfully organised in Ukraine and Georgia, in January.


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